.... kira bro MFG one of the golf instructor kt monterez jgk ke? ..
Weiiiiiiii!!!!! Jgn buat hal!!! Ni dah silap info dah ni ..... Maluuuu weiii!!!!
Ada ke aku ni instructor kat Monterez? Bahaya! Bahaya! Nanti marah kang pro2 kat sana .... I bet yg kaki2 golf lain yg baca ni akan gelak besar ..especially bro Moya & a few others!!! Hehehe!!!

Jgn weiiii!!! Aku ni pun swing masih kelam kabut lagik, mana lah layak nak ajar org .... sendiri pun masih perlu di ajar .. naya!! naya!!!
Back to the topic ..
FYI, Monterez Golf Academy is headed by Irwan (he's also a forumer here). He's a qualified golf instructor, which means he's certified to teach... Being a golf pro and an instructor are two different things all together ...
Camni lah ... a straight-A student might not be a good teacher and vice versa a good teacher might not be a straight-A student ... Kira camtu lah!!!!
Anyway, I was told that Monterez Golf Academy is now in partnership with a group of Australian teaching pros, and in fact all the local residents pros at Monterez are undergoing some in house classes/training on the techniques on "how to teach" ... And with the Australians in, they'll be bringing in some teaching equipments as well ...
But whatever it is, like bro Zoez bilang ... kena carik cikgu yg sesuai ngn hang ...
But actually, in my case, it was the other way round .. hahaha!!! ... Cikgu aku pandai sesuaikan diri ikut aku ...
But mine was a case where badan aku dah keras sgt .. hahaha!!! That's coz I started golfing really late, so badan memang dah keras, xley buat apa2 dah ... so kena ada instructor yg pandai "customised" swing aku ...