Hello kekawan, has anyone of you ever heard of Gigagolf merchandise before? It's actually a cloning company. I was playing with a matsaleh buddy of mine the other day & I was telling him about my intention to upgrade after testing out another buddy's 710-MB on the course, and we then went on discussing types of irons & brands, pros & cons, etc... last last he rekomended Gigagolf irons and he swore by their irons, which prompted me to go take a look at their webpage:
http://www.gigagolf.com/index.jsp I won't say I'm totally convinced, but I did check with some of my golfing buddies from overseas and their response is quite positive, most of them claim that you get a very decent set of irons for a fraction of the price and plus the irons are forged. They even have a money-back guarantee, so there's not really much to lose eh?

But before deciding on anything, I'd like to know if anyone of you ever bought anything from Gigagolf before? Any comments, positive or negative? Cheers, tqvm