Aku nak tolak putter aku kepada sesapa yg berminat. Below are the details:
Make: Ping
Series: iWi 1/2 Craz-e (separuh je gila. lg separuh ok)
Lie: 71 deg
Length: 34 inch
Condition: 8.5/10 (boleh dtg tgk kalau nak try)
Laterality: Right Handed
Age: xsampai setahun (about 9-10 months old. beli as my birthday present menggantikan nike ignite)
Asking Price: RM350
Authenticity: Original (bought at Rumah Golf)
Reason for selling: Changed to left-handed putter
anyone yang berminat nak gambar, can sms me ur email to 016-3087325. gambar besar sgt, xreti nak resize. xde tool.
p/s nafidz, aku dah tuka ke putter kiri la... hahahaha.