Some were saying that TNB's contracts with the IPPs may be among the reasons for the losses.
The IPPs make more money than the Ah Longs, and even Ah Longs can get into trouble if their borrowers run to Michael Chong to complain and get their plights published in newspapers. Then the Ah Longs will have to spend more money on red paints to splash on the borrowers cars, houses etc.

For the IPPs? .... just ring a few people to get TNB to pay. The got a watertight agreement. And who's paying for these IPPs' profits? You & me - the rakyat! And how would TNB off-set their losses? Increase the tariffs lah so that common people like you & me would have to pay higher electricity bills.
Is this just another excuse to raise electricity tariffs? And kita mana mau lari kalau mau complain? Mau complain sama itu Michael Chong kah?