Bro Feelgood, how well does your 2-ball putter serve you? I have one, dah lama dah... susah sikit nak handle, sebab dia berat sikit kot. Anyway, maybe I should give it another next time kita bergolf, I'll use the 2-ball putter.... 
Been using the 2-Ball since last Tuesday ... and I've played about 4 times since then, twice at KGSAS, once at Monterez and yesterday at Kundang ... still haven't had the hang of it yet....
But I kinda like the feel of the putter... maybe bcoz dia berat, so bole rasa the putter head.... Am still having problems judging the distance with this putter though, always ending up short ... I guess that shows that I'm still not having the confidence hitting this putter yet ..... now practising, trying to putt the ball pass the hole ....
Also, the ball always kinda goes to the right...
Anyway! practice makes perfect kot

but then again there's no such thing as being perfect in golf
