Well guys.... do you think a mini-tsunami will be happening soon in KT?
Anything can happen lah bro!!! ... Msian voters today are not as easily duped as before .. It that sense I think we're much better off than the S'poreans .. At least we're able to choose who we want!
Btw, if you read the pro-Pakatan blogs lately (doesn't mean I am a supporter OK!) you'll realise that they are well organised. They are setting the agenda in Kuala Terengganu with blog postings and online news coverage that are coordinated in terms of timing and theme. Trying to use the alternative media (read internet) again to create an upset?
They're now focused on the Chinese voters. Although, the Chinese make up only 11 per cent of the voters in the constituency, but Uncle Kitt (Lim Kit Siang-lah) hails them as the "kingmakers" who will decide who wins the Jan 17 by-election. Dunno-lah, that's what he says! Semua ada pendapat masing2.. & with intentions when giving pendapat..
Back to you Che!!! (eh! eh! cam news commenter pulak main passing2 utk bagi comment)