Author Topic: Golf game for serious golfers only  (Read 82694 times)

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Offline rochie

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Re: Golf game for serious golfers only
« Reply #135 on: February 15, 2010, 12:16:09 AM »
It's now confirmed!!!  Kg. Kuantan it is!!!!

Guys and gals, ladies and gentlemen, ladies yg makan gentlemen,

Kg Kuantan is very happy to welcome us to their place. So much so that they had canceled one medal event so that our group can play there .

and because they have been so accommodating, we will play this game at Kg. Kuantan.

Venue: Kg. Kuantan
Date: Feb 21st
Time: 8.00 a.m.

Green fees: RM40.00
Caddy: RM20.00

can do shot-gun tee off

I need your confirmation ("ok" or "boleh" or anything similar next to your name) latest on Feb 16th for my onward transmission to the club.

Berikut adalah senarai nama yang ade..kalau ade yg tertinggal sila tulis..

1. pakngah -- ok  & h/p given
2. tengkumuda
3. pakudin
4. daddyjoe - boleh
5. Mo  - OK
6. AJOY --  sy ok je
7. che
8. eram_marine   - OK  & h/p given
9. rochie - ok  & h/p given
10. Dino
12. 5zal
13.pak akhir
14. zooloo
15. zulhongleong
16. john daly- OK
17. shahzi
18. arjun 6900
19. Rizal - OK (kawan gigi susu ) & h/p given
20. azlela
21. mizunof
22. billy-p
23. IbnuAmeen
24. Abgzek - OK
25. Liza M
26. the gigi susu - OK & h/p given
27. bdr.ram
28. zulsaeddin  - OK  & h/p  ?
29. garcel
30. nokia737
31. duloo43 --> OK
32. kerawit--> OK & h/p given
33. syaiful - OK & h/p given

Saya perlukan pengesahan dari para golfers yang mulia serta disanjung tinggi ini secepat yang boleh supaya pak ngah dan saya tak pening last minit...TQ..

tolong PM your contact no. pada sesiapa yang OK untuk bergolof on that day..please do that....your cooperation is very much appreciate...

Kg. Kuantan is located at near taman kelip-kelip (firefly), before Kuala Selangor town  from Klang/Shah Alam.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 12:25:49 AM by rochie »

Offline che

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Re: Golf game for serious golfers only
« Reply #136 on: February 15, 2010, 08:11:08 AM »
It's now confirmed!!!  Kg. Kuantan it is!!!!

Guys and gals, ladies and gentlemen, ladies yg makan gentlemen,

Kg Kuantan is very happy to welcome us to their place. So much so that they had canceled one medal event so that our group can play there .

and because they have been so accommodating, we will play this game at Kg. Kuantan.

Venue: Kg. Kuantan
Date: Feb 21st
Time: 8.00 a.m.

Green fees: RM40.00
Caddy: RM20.00

can do shot-gun tee off

I need your confirmation ("ok" or "boleh" or anything similar next to your name) latest on Feb 16th for my onward transmission to the club.

Berikut adalah senarai nama yang ade..kalau ade yg tertinggal sila tulis..

1. pakngah -- ok  & h/p given
2. tengkumuda
3. pakudin
4. daddyjoe - boleh
5. Mo  - OK
6. AJOY --  sy ok je
7. che -- OKEY
8. eram_marine   - OK  & h/p given
9. rochie - ok  & h/p given
10. Dino
12. 5zal
13. pak akhir
14. zooloo
15. zulhongleong
16. john daly- OK
17. shahzi
18. arjun 6900
19. Rizal - OK (kawan gigi susu ) & h/p given
20. azlela
21. mizunof
22. billy-p
23. IbnuAmeen
24. Abgzek - OK
25. Liza M
26. the gigi susu - OK & h/p given
27. bdr.ram
28. zulsaeddin  - OK  & h/p  ?
29. garcel
30. nokia737
31. duloo43 --> OK
32. kerawit--> OK & h/p given
33. syaiful - OK & h/p given

Saya perlukan pengesahan dari para golfers yang mulia serta disanjung tinggi ini secepat yang boleh supaya pak ngah dan saya tak pening last minit...TQ..

tolong PM your contact no. pada sesiapa yang OK untuk bergolof on that day..please do that....your cooperation is very much appreciate...

Kg. Kuantan is located at near taman kelip-kelip (firefly), before Kuala Selangor town  from Klang/Shah Alam.

Offline zulsaedden

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Re: Golf game for serious golfers only
« Reply #137 on: February 15, 2010, 08:35:27 AM »
h/p tanye dgan pakngah...........................brape pakngah? 24 kot.

Offline nokia737

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Re: Golf game for serious golfers only
« Reply #138 on: February 15, 2010, 08:42:28 AM »
It's now confirmed!!!  Kg. Kuantan it is!!!!

Guys and gals, ladies and gentlemen, ladies yg makan gentlemen,

Kg Kuantan is very happy to welcome us to their place. So much so that they had canceled one medal event so that our group can play there .

and because they have been so accommodating, we will play this game at Kg. Kuantan.

Venue: Kg. Kuantan
Date: Feb 21st
Time: 8.00 a.m.

Green fees: RM40.00
Caddy: RM20.00

can do shot-gun tee off

I need your confirmation ("ok" or "boleh" or anything similar next to your name) latest on Feb 16th for my onward transmission to the club.

1. pakngah -- ok
2. tengkumuda
4. daddyjoe - boleh sebab adik semua dah kahwin, bukan dgn pakudin
5. nizzam
6. AJOY --  sy ok je
7. che
8. eram_marine
9. rochie - ok
12. 5zal
13.pak akhir
14. zooloo
15. zulhongleong
16. john daly
17. shahzi
18. arjun 6900
19. Mo
20. azlela
21. mizunof
22. billy-p
23. IbnuAmeen
24. Abgzek - OK
25. Liza M
26. the gigi susu
27. bdr.ram
28. zulsaeddin
29. garcel
30. nokia737  --- OK ( Hp pakngah ada )
31. duloo43 --> OK
32. kerawit--> OK
33. syaiful - OK

USGA 13.4 (index)
White T-Box  ;)

Offline rochie

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Re: Golf game for serious golfers only
« Reply #139 on: February 15, 2010, 11:45:08 AM »
h/p tanye dgan pakngah...........................brape pakngah? 24 kot.

h/p tu bukan handicap...tapi hand phone...

Offline AJOY

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Re: Golf game for serious golfers only
« Reply #140 on: February 15, 2010, 11:50:33 AM »
just nak info,pada sapa2 yg tak tahu..royal kg kuantan ni adalah antara golf course yg tertua di msia,di buka oleh uncle mat salleh kita masa depa kebas hasil getah kita pada awal2 tahun 1900an.tak silap tahun1905,jd dah lebih 100 tahun kelab ni.antara kelab yg sama umur dgn kelab ni harvard gc di betong sg petani kedah. royal kg kuantan RKKC ni terletak dkt kg kuantan antara jalan sgi buloh ke kuala sgor..dulu blh ikut dua jln je ke sini sg buloh paya jaras atau klang, asam ke kg kuantan,tp sejak msia dah maju.byk alternative jln kesana.blh dtg drp guthrie hway kalau drp utara atau shah alam,keluar kat exit sgi buloh paya jaras,plus hway,kalau drp kl,keluar kat  exit sgi buloh.blh datang drp meru,drp klang.Kelab ni ter letak dkt 7 wonders of malaysia,kelip2 kg kuantan.fireflies kalau org putih ckp.Course ni flat,padang lama,cow main kat sini jln kaki,mcm zaman colonial..RKKC ni 9 lubang lps 9 hls bleh rehat dulu,pada mereka yg tak biasa mai golf berjalan.Design dia friendly,next tee box dkt dgn green,tak jln jauh,tp bg mereka yg kurang arif,etiquette of golf penting kat sini.oleh kerana jarak green tee box dekat kat sini.hati2 masa tee off atau putt,sbb ada golfer lain tgh nak focus toff atau putting double bogey..jd jgn kuat2 sgt mengomel kalau miss putt atau toff ke OB.makanan murah & sedap kat sini.caddy akan pikul bag golf atau letak trolley.caddy kat sini tak pakai bra(maksud saya caddy lelaki)kebykkan nye budak estet sekeliling atau anak2 sekolah.ada juga yg senior.jadi kalau kat tempat lain boleh bg tip kat caddy indon sampai rm50(biasa) utk 18 hls(naik buggy plak tu)harap pertimbang kan kat sini jln kaki 18 hls pikul atau tarik beg.biasa group sy yg main kat sini bg rm30-50 terpulang pd kepandaian caddy atau apa jumlah betting.cuma sini duit caddy terus bayar pada caddy,tidak pada kelab.apa2 pun sy rasa kalian akan enjoy main kat sini...c u esok wassalam
USGA 5.7 (index)
MGA NHS NO:184942
temporary no; 262384

Offline rochie

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Re: Golf game for serious golfers only
« Reply #141 on: February 15, 2010, 12:34:36 PM »
just nak info,pada sapa2 yg tak tahu..royal kg kuantan ni adalah antara golf course yg tertua di msia,di buka oleh uncle mat salleh kita masa depa kebas hasil getah kita pada awal2 tahun 1900an.tak silap tahun1905,jd dah lebih 100 tahun kelab ni.antara kelab yg sama umur dgn kelab ni harvard gc di betong sg petani kedah. royal kg kuantan RKKC ni terletak dkt kg kuantan antara jalan sgi buloh ke kuala sgor..dulu blh ikut dua jln je ke sini sg buloh paya jaras atau klang, asam ke kg kuantan,tp sejak msia dah maju.byk alternative jln kesana.blh dtg drp guthrie hway kalau drp utara atau shah alam,keluar kat exit sgi buloh paya jaras,plus hway,kalau drp kl,keluar kat  exit sgi buloh.blh datang drp meru,drp klang.Kelab ni ter letak dkt 7 wonders of malaysia,kelip2 kg kuantan.fireflies kalau org putih ckp.Course ni flat,padang lama,cow main kat sini jln kaki,mcm zaman colonial..RKKC ni 9 lubang lps 9 hls bleh rehat dulu,pada mereka yg tak biasa mai golf berjalan.Design dia friendly,next tee box dkt dgn green,tak jln jauh,tp bg mereka yg kurang arif,etiquette of golf penting kat sini.oleh kerana jarak green tee box dekat kat sini.hati2 masa tee off atau putt,sbb ada golfer lain tgh nak focus toff atau putting double bogey..jd jgn kuat2 sgt mengomel kalau miss putt atau toff ke OB.makanan murah & sedap kat sini.caddy akan pikul bag golf atau letak trolley.caddy kat sini tak pakai bra(maksud saya caddy lelaki)kebykkan nye budak estet sekeliling atau anak2 sekolah.ada juga yg senior.jadi kalau kat tempat lain boleh bg tip kat caddy indon sampai rm50(biasa) utk 18 hls(naik buggy plak tu)harap pertimbang kan kat sini jln kaki 18 hls pikul atau tarik beg.biasa group sy yg main kat sini bg rm30-50 terpulang pd kepandaian caddy atau apa jumlah betting.cuma sini duit caddy terus bayar pada caddy,tidak pada kelab.apa2 pun sy rasa kalian akan enjoy main kat sini...c u esok wassalam

Kelab ni dibina tahun tahun ni 100 tahun ...caddies fee RM bagi lah RM3 hingga RM 10....kalau bleh jangan lebih...nanti diaorang naik lemak..kalau bola pegi pun tak nak tengok sampai hilang...korang pikirlah sendiri nak bagi tip berapa..tapi memang enjoy kat sini sebab flat course..tak penat..

Offline rochie

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Re: Golf game for serious golfers only
« Reply #142 on: February 15, 2010, 12:41:49 PM »
It's now confirmed!!!  Kg. Kuantan it is!!!!

Guys and gals, ladies and gentlemen, ladies yg makan gentlemen,

Kg Kuantan is very happy to welcome us to their place. So much so that they had canceled one medal event so that our group can play there .

and because they have been so accommodating, we will play this game at Kg. Kuantan.

Venue: Kg. Kuantan
Date: Feb 21st
Time: 8.00 a.m.

Green fees: RM40.00
Caddy: RM20.00 + tip

can do shot-gun tee off

I need your confirmation ("ok" or "boleh" or anything similar next to your name) latest on Feb 16th for my onward transmission to the club.

Berikut adalah senarai nama yang ade..kalau ade yg tertinggal sila tulis..

1. pakngah -- ok  & h/p given
2. tengkumuda
3. pakudin
4. daddyjoe - boleh & h/p  ?
5. Mo  - OK  &  h/p ?
6. AJOY --  sy ok je  &  h/p given
7. che -- OKEY  & h/p  ?
8. eram_marine   - OK  & h/p given
9. rochie - ok  & h/p given
10. Dino
12. 5zal
13. pak akhir
14. zooloo
15. zulhongleong
16. john daly- OK & h/p ?
17. shahzi
18. arjun 6900
19. Rizal - OK (kawan gigi susu ) & h/p given
20. azlela
21. mizunof
22. billy-p
23. IbnuAmeen
24. Abgzek - OK & h/p ?
25. Liza M
26. the gigi susu - OK & h/p given
27. bdr.ram
28. zulsaeddin  - OK  & h/p  given to pakngah
29. garcel
30. nokia737  -  OKEY   & h/p given   to pakngah
31. duloo43 --> OK & h/p ?
32. kerawit--> OK & h/p given
33. syaiful - OK & h/p given

Saya perlukan pengesahan dari para golfers yang mulia serta disanjung tinggi ini secepat yang boleh supaya pak ngah dan saya tak pening last minit...TQ..

tolong PM your contact no. pada sesiapa yang OK untuk bergolof on that day..please do that....your cooperation is very much appreciate...

Kg. Kuantan is located at near taman kelip-kelip (firefly), before Kuala Selangor town  from Klang/Shah Alam.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 12:46:08 PM by rochie »

Offline AJOY

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Re: Golf game for serious golfers only
« Reply #143 on: February 15, 2010, 12:57:25 PM »
just nak info,pada sapa2 yg tak tahu..royal kg kuantan ni adalah antara golf course yg tertua di msia,di buka oleh uncle mat salleh kita masa depa kebas hasil getah kita pada awal2 tahun 1900an.tak silap tahun1905,jd dah lebih 100 tahun kelab ni.antara kelab yg sama umur dgn kelab ni harvard gc di betong sg petani kedah. royal kg kuantan RKKC ni terletak dkt kg kuantan antara jalan sgi buloh ke kuala sgor..dulu blh ikut dua jln je ke sini sg buloh paya jaras atau klang, asam ke kg kuantan,tp sejak msia dah maju.byk alternative jln kesana.blh dtg drp guthrie hway kalau drp utara atau shah alam,keluar kat exit sgi buloh paya jaras,plus hway,kalau drp kl,keluar kat  exit sgi buloh.blh datang drp meru,drp klang.Kelab ni ter letak dkt 7 wonders of malaysia,kelip2 kg kuantan.fireflies kalau org putih ckp.Course ni flat,padang lama,cow main kat sini jln kaki,mcm zaman colonial..RKKC ni 9 lubang lps 9 hls bleh rehat dulu,pada mereka yg tak biasa mai golf berjalan.Design dia friendly,next tee box dkt dgn green,tak jln jauh,tp bg mereka yg kurang arif,etiquette of golf penting kat sini.oleh kerana jarak green tee box dekat kat sini.hati2 masa tee off atau putt,sbb ada golfer lain tgh nak focus toff atau putting double bogey..jd jgn kuat2 sgt mengomel kalau miss putt atau toff ke OB.makanan murah & sedap kat sini.caddy akan pikul bag golf atau letak trolley.caddy kat sini tak pakai bra(maksud saya caddy lelaki)kebykkan nye budak estet sekeliling atau anak2 sekolah.ada juga yg senior.jadi kalau kat tempat lain boleh bg tip kat caddy indon sampai rm50(biasa) utk 18 hls(naik buggy plak tu)harap pertimbang kan kat sini jln kaki 18 hls pikul atau tarik beg.biasa group sy yg main kat sini bg rm30-50 terpulang pd kepandaian caddy atau apa jumlah betting.cuma sini duit caddy terus bayar pada caddy,tidak pada kelab.apa2 pun sy rasa kalian akan enjoy main kat sini...c u esok wassalam

Kelab ni dibina tahun tahun ni 100 tahun ...caddies fee RM bagi lah RM3 hingga RM 10....kalau bleh jangan lebih...nanti diaorang naik lemak..kalau bola pegi pun tak nak tengok sampai hilang...korang pikirlah sendiri nak bagi tip berapa..tapi memang enjoy kat sini sebab flat course..tak penat..
betul lah tu....thanks....
USGA 5.7 (index)
MGA NHS NO:184942
temporary no; 262384

Offline dul0043

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Re: Golf game for serious golfers only
« Reply #144 on: February 15, 2010, 06:43:12 PM »
It's now confirmed!!!  Kg. Kuantan it is!!!!

Guys and gals, ladies and gentlemen, ladies yg makan gentlemen,

Kg Kuantan is very happy to welcome us to their place. So much so that they had canceled one medal event so that our group can play there .

and because they have been so accommodating, we will play this game at Kg. Kuantan.

Venue: Kg. Kuantan
Date: Feb 21st
Time: 8.00 a.m.

Green fees: RM40.00
Caddy: RM20.00 + tip

can do shot-gun tee off

I need your confirmation ("ok" or "boleh" or anything similar next to your name) latest on Feb 16th for my onward transmission to the club.

Berikut adalah senarai nama yang ade..kalau ade yg tertinggal sila tulis..

1. pakngah -- ok  & h/p given
2. tengkumuda
3. pakudin
4. daddyjoe - boleh & h/p  ?
5. Mo  - OK  &  h/p ?
6. AJOY --  sy ok je  &  h/p given
7. che -- OKEY  & h/p  ?
8. eram_marine   - OK  & h/p given
9. rochie - ok  & h/p given
10. Dino
12. 5zal
13. pak akhir
14. zooloo
15. zulhongleong
16. john daly- OK & h/p ?
17. shahzi
18. arjun 6900
19. Rizal - OK (kawan gigi susu ) & h/p given
20. azlela
21. mizunof
22. billy-p
23. IbnuAmeen
24. Abgzek - OK & h/p ?
25. Liza M
26. the gigi susu - OK & h/p given
27. bdr.ram
28. zulsaeddin  - OK  & h/p  given to pakngah
29. garcel
30. nokia737  -  OKEY   & h/p given   to pakngah
31. duloo43 --> OK & h/p ?
32. kerawit--> OK & h/p given
33. syaiful - OK & h/p given

Saya perlukan pengesahan dari para golfers yang mulia serta disanjung tinggi ini secepat yang boleh supaya pak ngah dan saya tak pening last minit...TQ..

tolong PM your contact no. pada sesiapa yang OK untuk bergolof on that day..please do that....your cooperation is very much appreciate...

Kg. Kuantan is located at near taman kelip-kelip (firefly), before Kuala Selangor town  from Klang/Shah Alam.

31. duloo43 --> OK & h/p ? 0123084499

Offline Mo

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Re: Golf game for serious golfers only
« Reply #145 on: February 15, 2010, 07:06:42 PM »
It's now confirmed!!!  Kg. Kuantan it is!!!!

Guys and gals, ladies and gentlemen, ladies yg makan gentlemen,

Kg Kuantan is very happy to welcome us to their place. So much so that they had canceled one medal event so that our group can play there .

and because they have been so accommodating, we will play this game at Kg. Kuantan.

Venue: Kg. Kuantan
Date: Feb 21st
Time: 8.00 a.m.

Green fees: RM40.00
Caddy: RM20.00 + tip

can do shot-gun tee off

I need your confirmation ("ok" or "boleh" or anything similar next to your name) latest on Feb 16th for my onward transmission to the club.

Berikut adalah senarai nama yang ade..kalau ade yg tertinggal sila tulis..

1. pakngah -- ok  & h/p given
2. tengkumuda
3. pakudin
4. daddyjoe - boleh & h/p  ?
5. Mo  - OK  &  h/p 0122588747 ?[/color]
6. AJOY --  sy ok je  &  h/p given
7. che -- OKEY  & h/p  ?
8. eram_marine   - OK  & h/p given
9. rochie - ok  & h/p given
10. Dino
12. 5zal
13. pak akhir
14. zooloo
15. zulhongleong
16. john daly- OK & h/p ?
17. shahzi
18. arjun 6900
19. Rizal - OK (kawan gigi susu ) & h/p given
20. azlela
21. mizunof
22. billy-p
23. IbnuAmeen
24. Abgzek - OK & h/p ?
25. Liza M
26. the gigi susu - OK & h/p given
27. bdr.ram
28. zulsaeddin  - OK  & h/p  given to pakngah
29. garcel
30. nokia737  -  OKEY   & h/p given   to pakngah
31. duloo43 --> OK & h/p ?
32. kerawit--> OK & h/p given
33. syaiful - OK & h/p given

Saya perlukan pengesahan dari para golfers yang mulia serta disanjung tinggi ini secepat yang boleh supaya pak ngah dan saya tak pening last minit...TQ..

tolong PM your contact no. pada sesiapa yang OK untuk bergolof on that day..please do that....your cooperation is very much appreciate...

Kg. Kuantan is located at near taman kelip-kelip (firefly), before Kuala Selangor town  from Klang/Shah Alam.

31. duloo43 --> OK & h/p ? 0123084499

Offline rochie

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Re: Golf game for serious golfers only
« Reply #146 on: February 15, 2010, 07:26:16 PM »
It's now confirmed!!!  Kg. Kuantan it is!!!!

Guys and gals, ladies and gentlemen, ladies yg makan gentlemen,

Kg Kuantan is very happy to welcome us to their place. So much so that they had canceled one medal event so that our group can play there .

and because they have been so accommodating, we will play this game at Kg. Kuantan.

Venue: Kg. Kuantan
Date: Feb 21st
Time: 8.00 a.m.

Green fees: RM40.00
Caddy: RM20.00 + tip

can do shot-gun tee off

I need your confirmation ("ok" or "boleh" or anything similar next to your name) latest on Feb 16th for my onward transmission to the club.

Berikut adalah senarai nama yang ade..kalau ade yg tertinggal sila tulis..

1. pakngah -- ok  & h/p given
2. tengkumuda
3. pakudin
4. daddyjoe - boleh & h/p  ?
5. Mo  - OK  &  h/p given
6. AJOY --  sy ok je  &  h/p given
7. che -- OKEY  & h/p  ?
8. eram_marine   - OK  & h/p given
9. rochie - ok  & h/p given
10. Dino
12. 5zal
13. pak akhir
14. zooloo
15. zulhongleong
16. john daly- OK & h/p ?
17. shahzi
18. arjun 6900
19. Rizal - OK (kawan gigi susu ) & h/p given
20. azlela
21. mizunof
22. billy-p
23. IbnuAmeen
24. Abgzek - OK & h/p ?
25. Liza M
26. the gigi susu - OK & h/p given
27. bdr.ram
28. zulsaeddin  - OK  & h/p  given to pakngah
29. garcel
30. nokia737  -  OKEY   & h/p given   to pakngah
31. duloo43 --> OK & h/p given
32. kerawit--> OK & h/p given
33. syaiful - OK & h/p given

Saya perlukan pengesahan dari para golfers yang mulia serta disanjung tinggi ini secepat yang boleh supaya pak ngah dan saya tak pening last minit...TQ..

tolong PM your contact no. pada sesiapa yang OK untuk bergolof on that day..please do that....your cooperation is very much appreciate...

Kg. Kuantan is located at near taman kelip-kelip (firefly), before Kuala Selangor town  from Klang/Shah Alam.

Offline pakngah

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  • aaahhh...a bad day for golf today
  • Club: KRTU Subang; Royal Kampong Kuantan
  • Handicap: 23
Re: Golf game for serious golfers only
« Reply #147 on: February 15, 2010, 11:20:31 PM »
Status Report

A. those who have confirmed:

1. pakngah
2. tengkumuda
3. daddyjoe
4. Mo
6. che
7. eram_marine
8. rochie
9. john daly
10. Rizal (kawan gigi susu )
11. Abgzek
12. the gigi susu
13. zulsaeddin
14. nokia737
15. duloo43
16. kerawit
17. syaiful

B. Those not yet (pls give! ;D):

4.pak akhir
8.arjun 6900
13.Liza M

kalau padi katakan padi, tidak hamba tertampi-tampi...

C. newbies are most welcome to jointer!

bola tak masuk fairway? hilang? try cari kat sini:

Offline eram_marine

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Re: Golf game for serious golfers only
« Reply #148 on: February 16, 2010, 12:01:13 AM »
It's now confirmed!!!  Kg. Kuantan it is!!!!

Guys and gals, ladies and gentlemen, ladies yg makan gentlemen,

Kg Kuantan is very happy to welcome us to their place. So much so that they had canceled one medal event so that our group can play there .

and because they have been so accommodating, we will play this game at Kg. Kuantan.

Venue: Kg. Kuantan
Date: Feb 21st
Time: 8.00 a.m.

Green fees: RM40.00
Caddy: RM20.00

can do shot-gun tee off

I need your confirmation ("ok" or "boleh" or anything similar next to your name) latest on Feb 16th for my onward transmission to the club.

Berikut adalah senarai nama yang ade..kalau ade yg tertinggal sila tulis..

1. pakngah -- ok  & h/p given
2. tengkumuda
3. pakudin
4. daddyjoe - boleh
5. Mo  - OK
6. AJOY --  sy ok je
7. che -- OKEY
8. eram_marine   - OK  & h/p given
9. rochie - ok  & h/p given
10. Dino
12. 5zal
13. pak akhir
14. zooloo
15. zulhongleong
16. john daly- OK
17. shahzi
18. arjun 6900
19. Rizal - OK (kawan gigi susu ) & h/p given
20. azlela
21. mizunof
22. billy-p
23. IbnuAmeen
24. Abgzek - OK
25. Liza M
26. the gigi susu - OK & h/p given
27. bdr.ram
28. zulsaeddin  - OK  & h/p  ?
29. garcel
30. nokia737
31. duloo43 --> OK
32. kerawit--> OK & h/p given
33. syaiful - OK & h/p given

Saya perlukan pengesahan dari para golfers yang mulia serta disanjung tinggi ini secepat yang boleh supaya pak ngah dan saya tak pening last minit...TQ..

tolong PM your contact no. pada sesiapa yang OK untuk bergolof on that day..please do that....your cooperation is very much appreciate...

Kg. Kuantan is located at near taman kelip-kelip (firefly), before Kuala Selangor town  from Klang/Shah Alam.

Haritu pak ngah cakap Kg Kuantan kat jalan bukit kuda,sekarang ni kat kuala selangor pulak....mana satu ni? saye tak penah dengar lak kat kuala selangor ataupun bukit kuda ada golf course........Serious la ckit Pak ngah......

Offline pakngah

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  • Gender: Male
  • aaahhh...a bad day for golf today
  • Club: KRTU Subang; Royal Kampong Kuantan
  • Handicap: 23
Re: Golf game for serious golfers only
« Reply #149 on: February 16, 2010, 12:12:37 AM »
Haritu pak ngah cakap Kg Kuantan kat jalan bukit kuda,sekarang ni kat kuala selangor pulak....mana satu ni? saye tak penah dengar lak kat kuala selangor ataupun bukit kuda ada golf course........Serious la ckit Pak ngah......
aikkk? ada tempat lain pun namanya "Kg. Kuantan" gak ka? yg pakngah tau, kg.kuantan dekat Klang tu ja. dlm area Bukit Kuda.

but don't worry, nanti kita tanya rochie, dia lebih tau pasal benda2 ni.
bola tak masuk fairway? hilang? try cari kat sini: