Just got back from jakarta last week .. That wud be my 6th visit to jakarta in 12 months ...
Anyway!! been hearing a lot about this much talked about new course in Jakarta, viz. the Royal Jakarta ... so decided to include it as a "must play" course in our itinenary...
Arrived on Sunday morning, 3rd August . Touched down at 0700hours, and there greeting us was a familiar face, our regular "supir" Pak Iwan, and Pak Sharif, who was new to us.
Our plan was to head for Sentul Highlands for breakfast, followed with some warming up at the driving range before we tee'd off at Permata Sentul Golf Course at 11.30. Btw, the driving range at Sentul Highlands I must add, is superb. Makes all driving ranges back in KL pale, dull & unattractive in comparison.
Our 1st day golfing at Permata Sentul was enjoyable - definitely a far cry from golfing back in Monterez, and I would say this is a "Can Visit Again" course - Well! for me at least!
There were 6 of us on that day, because my Indonesian/Malaysian (one confused guy!! hehehe!!) buddy, Pak Hendro, joined us, so Pak Hendro & I were in the same flight. Another Indonesian later joined us .... and Man!! can this guy drive!!! not only that, he got an eagle as well .. which proves a point ... distance does matter, so long as its driven straight!!!
Our 2nd day was at Bogor Raya, the most frequented golf course by Msian golfers. Reason for which - I really dont know why! Must be the wide fairways and friendly greens I guess .. hehehe!!!
Anyway! I broke 100 here at Bogor Raya - Wow!!! Let me say that again ... I broke 100 here ar Bogor Raya

... really an undescribeable (if there's such a word) experience for a green horn "less than a year" golfer like me. You guys can imagine how ecstatic I was.

.. makes the trip even more memoriable.
Man! was I in 7th heaven! And with Royal Jakarta planned for the 3rd day - I was really like a little kid in one big candy store. It gets better and better.
AND then the 3rd day came ... Have you guys ever felt like going to someplace that you've always longed to go & then the day comes when you'll be taken to that place ... Well!!! that's the exact same feeling I had ..

The moment I arrived at Royal Jakarta ... I no longer felt like a kid in a candy store - I was like, "Hey! this is Disneyland, Man!!!" ... hehehe!!!
Extremely fast greens, its like putting on cement. AND the rough (or is ruff? - whatever!!) is just like the fairways back home ..
Wide fairways but undulating nonethless with strategically located bunkers .. and yeah!! really strong winds, cross winds at some places ... kinda strange really, considering the fact that's its located right smack in the middle of jakarta. You really don't get the feeling that you're in the middle of Jakarta. Anyway! i enjoyed Royal Jakarta - extremely!!!
BUT the 4th day was a real bummer .. Our plan was Cengkareng but somehow we switched to Rainbow Hills ... because Cengkareng is a walking course & the 4th day was when my golfing buddies were scheduled to fly back to "Teh Tarik" Land (I stayed back btw

Anyway! From Royal Jakarta to Rainbow Hills .. is like Disneyland to Genting Highlands Theme Park ... We probably should have "Saved the Best for Last".
Well! I did save the best for last coz' I played again at Royal Jakarta on Friday ... Hehehe!!! And on Sunday morning before my flight back home, I was hitting golf balls at Pondok Indah Driving Range ... AND this is really a MUST VISIT driving range. This is one driving range that would make you guys a driving range junkie. AND to top it all, I was later accompanied to the airport by a friendly, good samaritan employee of the driving range ... Man!!! What a way to end my Golf Vacation!!!
Its been 8 days since I got back home - AND I'm still missing Jakarta - Bummer!!!
Anyway! to all the Indonesian kakis here:
"Selamat Menyambut Hari Ulangtahun Kemerdekaan Indonesia!!"
A bit late though but well intended nonetheless!!!